From Act to Acting

From Act to Acting

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From Act to Acting. Jan Fabre’s Guidelines for the Performer of the 21st Century is a book that wants to prepare the performer for a new age. It is conceived and designed by Jan Fabre, author, theatre artist and visual artist, active since the seventies of the previous century. The book is written by Luk Van den Dries, dramaturg and theatre researcher of the University of Antwerp, in tight collaboration with Jan Fabre and the three most important performers/teachers of Troubleyn (Annabelle Chambon, Cédric Charron and Ivana Jozić). For ten years they worked together on this new manual for performers, based on Fabre’s extensive experience as a theatre artist and choreographer. This book sheds new light on the physical, mental and vocal training of the performer and furthermore gives insight in Fabre’s revolutionary thoughts on contemporary theatre.

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The artistic visionary world of Jan Fabre forms and changes both the artists and the audience. It is a unique world of symbols, motifs and the ability to constantly push the boundaries of artistic conventions.
Senka Bulić

Much of Fabre's wisdom is This book compiles much of Fabre's wisdom, as much as it can be pressed into words and distributed as insights, exercises, and improvisations.
Richard Schechner

This book, which collects 40 years of exercises and teachings, sounds like a challenge to those who are about to create theatre, as a warning: burn within the form.
Romeo Castellucci

Students of theater and dance will understand that in this book, Fabre incorporates techniques and methods pioneered by others, but just as he did during our short collaboration, Jan pushes further into the unspoken territories of the body and soul in pursuit of shaping artists into those he calls „Warriors of Beauty“.
Mikhail Baryshnikov

Must have. Must read. Must practice.
Marina Abramović

  • ISBN: 978-953-369-044-5
  • Dimensions: 170x240 mm
  • Number of pages: 316
  • Cover: paperback
  • Year of the edition: 2024
  • Original title: From Act to Acting. Jan Fabre's Guidelines for the Performer of the 21st Century
  • Original language: English
  • Translation: Mate Maras