Venko Andonovski

Venko Andonovski (1964), novelist, playwright and literary theorist. He is a professor of Macedonian and Croatian literature, narratology, semiology, communication and cultural studies at the Faculty of Philology in Skopje. He is the most widely read Macedonian writer and the most performed Macedonian novelist in the last twenty years. He is the author of dozens of books of various genres. He has received all Macedonian awards for prose, drama and criticism, as well as many international awards. His novels and plays have been translated into twelve languages.
Important works: Frescoes and grotesques (stories), Alphabet for the disobedient (novel), Navel of the world (novel), Witch (novel), Rebellion in a nursing home (drama), Slovenian coffin (drama), Candid in Wonderland (drama), Lead on the Pillow (drama), There is one for everyone (comedy) and Master of Cowards (comedy).
He is the author of numerous reviews, monographs, studies and cultural essays.

Image source: Tomaš / CROPIX