'The Age of Brass' presented in Slavonia

'The Age of Brass' presented in Slavonia

The past few days TIM press has been presenting a novel by Slobodan Šnajder in Slavonia. Despite the bad weather, a large number of interested readers visited the City Library of Vukovar on October 20th. The event was organized by the Community of Germans and Austrians Vukovar, City Library of Vukovar and the European House Vukovar. The author was joined by the journalist Sasa Drinić and the editor of the book Hašim Bahtijari. The event was moderated by Lana Mayer, president of EDV. On October 21st, The Age of Brass was presented in Nuštar by Slobodan Šnajder, Hašim Bahtijari and Jaroslav Pecnik, who joined the author and the publisher at the promotion of the book in Vinkovci as well. The latter event was organised as a part of the Month of the Croatian Book 2016 manifestation.