What is a leader in democracy?

What is a leader in democracy?

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The intention of the author of the book What is a leader in democracy? Politics of charisma Jean-Claude Monod was primarily to ask again the Weberian question of political charisma with a delay of one century. The "interval" was marked by a variety of events and processes, partly contradictory. On the one hand, many regimes brought personal power and established autocracy of unprecedented type on the political scene, which warned of the dangers of glorifying a charismatic leader.
If the totalitarianisms of the twentieth century disfigured idea of ​​a charismatic leader as well as the very notion of "leaders", on the other hand it should be noted that in the course of the same twentieth century they not only nurished a culture of authority and hierarchy expressed in fascism; contradictory culture of resistance to oppression reflected the need for the flag-bearer, carrier of the spark of political hope, spiritual leader who gains loyalty and begins movement of great collective resistance. But is it possible to think that in the circumstances under which the media determine political leaders as we know them, the strengthening of democracy is occuring alongside the emergence of a charismatic person, who is able to break away from the logic of impersonal bureaucracy and market?
The book also attempts to clarify the problematic character - probably inevitable - of a leader in a democracy. In this sense it indicates "the inexhaustible sources of historical progress" in order to be continued and aggravated: the way forward is marked by distancing the character of the democratic leader from the character of a father, law-knower and master. The continuance of this movement implies expanding the social base from which the political leaders arise, beyond the ranks of the nobility of the state, resisting primarily mixing the political with the media and financial charisma and often refusing the hidden and subconscious disqualification of women as political leaders.

Jean-Claude Monod was a professor at the renowned Parisian Ecole Normale Superieure and director of research at CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) in Paris. The book What is a leader in democracy? Politics of charisma, published in France in 2012, is his most notably work primarily for its contribution to the development of sociology, political science and political philosophy as well as the author's critical scientific thinking about the phenomena of leadership and political charisma. He published: Foucault (1997); La Querelle de la secularisation: Theologie politique et philosophie de l'histoire de Hegel and Blumenberg (2002 and 2012); Penser l'ennemi, affronter l'exception: Reflexions critiques sur l'Actualité de Carl Schmitt (2006); Hans Blumenberg (2007) and Secularisation et laicite (2007). What is a leader in democracy? Politics of charisma is his first book published in Croatia.

  • ISBN: 978-953-7177-84-3
  • Dimensions: 140x240 mm
  • Number of pages: 248
  • Cover: paperback
  • Year of the edition: 2014
  • Original title: Qu`est-ce qu`un chef en democratie?Politiques du charisme
  • Original language: French
  • Translation: Jelena Butković, Dragutin Lalović