Promotion of the selection of texts „Why Marx in scarce times?“

Promotion of the selection of texts „Why Marx in scarce times?“

On Tuesday, December 11, 2018, in the Library Bogdan Ogrizović in Zagreb we promoted the book Why Marx in scarce times? Two hundred years since Carl Marx's birth
A selection of texts Why Marx in scarce times? gives an international overview and insight into critical judgment of the role and significance of Marx's thought today when, paradoxically, it is becomnig interesting again. These selected texts outline, at least to some extent, the new "spirit of the times", and confirm again that in these scarce times we most certanly are in need of poets and thinkers. 
The book was presented by the professors at the Faculty of Political Science in Zagreb Enes Kulenović and Nebojša Blanuša, as well as by its editors Goran Gretić and Hašim Bahtijari.