New title – „Digital media“

New title – „Digital media“

Another author's book has been added to our Incus library edition!

In the book Digital media. How to improve teaching Lidija Eret analyzes the results of research conducted around the world, with a special emphasis on Croatia, which show how and why modern pedagogues and didacticians implement digital media in the teaching process, looking for answers to the questions of their purpose and role in improving teaching. The research questions are focused on the connection between the implementation of digital media in the teaching process and academic success, the motivation of students for learning and teaching, and especially on finding new teaching methods and strategies to improve teaching curricula. An important part of this book is also a review of the negative consequences of using digital media, where the research conducted in the teaching process actually projects the problems that today's children and young people deal with in their everyday life. The author warns of the emergence of digital dementia and addiction to digital media, emphasizing the importance of directing children and young people to the importance of more frequent acquisition of the competencies of precise motor actions and habits of everyday motor activity in general, with the purpose of intensifying efforts to maintain cognitive health and optimum general psychophysical condition.
The research results, ideas and predictions brought by this book will help teachers, scientists and parents to think with a unique pedagogical and didactic goal – that a certain digital medium or its (analog) alternative optimally fulfills its educational purpose.

You can learn more about the book here.