„My Russia“ presented in Pula

„My Russia“ presented in Pula

Last night at 7:00 PM, the book My Russia. Peace or War by Mikhail Shishkin, a dissident and the only winner of the three biggest Russian literary awards, was presented in the packed Red Hall of the Home of Croatian Veterans in Pula. With Ivana Peruško and the translator Tatjana Radmilo, he talked about the roots of the culture of fear in Russia, silence as a survival mechanism, liberation from the circle of collective, tribal consciousness and the possibility of transitioning to individual consciousness with the help of culture and education.

Those who are in Pula today have the opportunity to see and listen to Shishkin on "Breakfast with the Author" live at 11 AM. in Kavana Mozart, and everyone else can watch the recording that will be broadcast at 6 PM on Third programme.