- 13.12.2024.
- Zagreb, HR
„Digital media“ promoted on FPZG
Yesterday at 4 PM, the book Digital media by Lidija Eret was presented in a crowded hall of the Faculty of Political Sciences in Zagreb.
The author spoke about the expediency of the media in teaching, the application of artificial intelligence, digital dementia and the challenges of online teaching in extraordinary conditions.
Associate Professor Višeslav Raos spoke about digitization in the strategic documents of FPZG while professor Igor Kanižaj presented his thoughts on the use of mobile phones in class, the challenges of privacy and the importance of media literacy.
Zdenka Krilčić from TIM Press explained why this book has a special place in publishing, how the development of digital media affects decisions about publishing physical books, and described how the publisher chooses titles for publication.
You can see some photos from the presentation in the gallery.