Pierre-André Taguieff
Pierre-André Taguieff (1946) is a French philosopher, political scientist and historian of ideas. He is the head of research at CNRS, a part of Center for Political Studies at the Faculty of Political Science (CEVIPOF), and a lecturer at the Paris Institute for Political Studies.
Taguieff is the author of numerous scientific articles and books in the field of politics, history of ideas, sociology and theory of argumentation. He deals with the question of extreme right-wing racism and ideologies, and has become famous for works on populism, nationalism and the French National Front.
His most famous works are La Force du préjugé. Essai sur le racisme et ses doubles (1990); Le nouveau national-populisme (2012); Du diable en politique: Réflexion sur l’antilepénisme ordinaire (2014); L’antisémitisme (2015) and La revanche du nationalisme: Néopopulistes et xénophobes à l’assaut de l’Europe (2015).
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