New book - „Putzi. Hitler's pianist“

New book - „Putzi. Hitler's pianist“

The novel Putzi. Hitler's Pianist by the French author Thomas Snégaroff shows us the rise of Hitler's Nazi Party to power in Germany and the role played by Ernst Hanfstaengl - Putzi, Führer's friend, confidant and pianist. Through the story of Putzi, we travel to the time of the spread of Nazi propaganda, the time of Hitler's rallies where masses of people listened as if hypnotized to hate speech directed at non-Aryans. Putzi was a dedicated Nazi, enchanted by the Führer and his charisma to the point that he was ready to do anything for him, not expecting that it would lead to his downfall. This extremely interesting book leaves a strong impression on the reader and makes one think about the World War II from a completely different perspective.

Read more about the book here.