A lecture „Social predestination of failure“

A lecture „Social predestination of failure“

Yesterday, March 6th, Costica Bradatan held a lecture on Social predestination of failure at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. With this lecture he showed that the way we think about success and failure today, at least in the West, is a late echo of the Calvinist doctrine of predestination. Fundamentally, and despite the intervening historical distance, the early Calvinists and we late capitalists employ the same patterns of thinking. Save for some niceties of language, today’s successful relate themselves to the „losers“ of the social and economic game not very differently from how the communities of „chosen“ believers treated the “reprobates” in their midst. The same assumption of damnation defines both cases: it’s who you are, and not what you do or say or think, that seals your fate.

A reminder, today at 7PM in Regular Bar, Costica Bradatan will present his book In praise of failure. Four lessons in humility as a part of Rhythm&Book programme.

See you there!