Why Marx in Scarce Times?

Why Marx in Scarce Times?

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Why Marx in scarce times? Two hundred years since Carl Marx's birth is a selection of texts that gives an international overview and insight into critical judgment of the role and significance of Marx's thought today when, paradoxically, it is becomnig interesting again. Marx's comprehensive criticism of the capitalist production, which in itself determines life as it is, is becomming inspirational at the time of a general crisis of the ruling neoliberal organization of the world. These selected texts outline, at least to some extent, the new "spirit of the times", and confirm again that in these scarce times we most certanly are in need of poets and thinkers.

  • ISBN: 978-953-8075-51-3
  • Dimensions: 155x230 mm
  • Number of pages: 186
  • Cover: paperback
  • Year of the edition: 2018

This is a very relevant issue, which re-actualises itself on the 200th anniversary of Karl Marx's birth all over the world. In Croatia's public sphere there are several selections of texts on a similar topic, but none of them had the ambition to bring philosophical and politically distinctly different interpretations to Marx's thoughts, thus highlighting its relevance and applicability in a better understanding of contemporary phenomena.
The authors of the texts, based on the scientific analysis of key Marx theses, clearly show the diversity of his thoughts and its relevance to the interpretation of the contemporary challenges we are faced with, from those of ethical to those of economic nature.

Prof. Tihomir Cipek, Ph. D.

This selection of texts gives an overview and insight, on an international scale, of a critical judgment of the role and significance of Marx's thinking today, when paradoxically it is becoming interesting again. Marx's comprehensive criticism of the capitalist mode of production, which determines the whole life practice, becomes inspirational at the time of the general crisis of the ruling neoliberal organization of the world.
Writing and talking about the fundamental crisis and the collapse of capitalism, about the necessity of its radical transformation, is not related to more or less dogmatic Marxists, but it has become, it could be said, an integral part of the discourse of contemporary social and human sciences.

Prof. Goran Gretić, Ph. D.

On the 200th anniversary of Karl Marx's birth, a large number of books and selection of texts from the field of social and human sciences are dedicated to the thoughts of this significant German philosopher. Given the influence Marx's philosophy had, such a large scientific interest in his ideas is quite justified.
After the economic crisis in 2008 and the crisis faced by liberal-democratic societies and the capitalist system, Marx's thought is again in the focus of contemporary philosophical, political and economic discussions. This selection of texts deals with relevant topics related to Marx's political philosophy and is of an unquestionable scientific and intellectual significance.

Assoc. prof. Enes Kulenović, Ph. D.