The eternal return of fascism (2nd edition)

The eternal return of fascism (2nd edition)

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TIM press has published a second edition of the book The eternal return of fascism by the Dutch cultural philosopher and essayist Rob Riemen. The book was first published in 2010 and, after a tremendous success, a second, expanded edition containing the author's preface, written especially for TIM press, was released in 2015.

The book begins by recalling the famous novel "The Plague" by Albert Camus: One spring morning in the Algerian city of Oran, a physician sees a dead rat on the stairs. On the next day he finds three more. The days that followed brought more dead rats all over the city, as well as patients who all had the same symptoms: lumps, spots and fever. It was clear: a plague. Nevertheless, the authorities persistently denied it, not wanting to create panic.

According to Riemen: "Facts do not disappear just by being denied." This cutting-edge intellectual is ringing the alarm bell as hard as he can: "Geert Wilders is a fascist, and if we do not stop him soon enough, violence could break out in Netherlands, the same way it did in the Balkans. It is important "to call the beast by its name", says Riemen. According to him, we are in deep civilizational crisis, a crisis of true, spiritual values, and he notes that "Wilders is profiting from this dumbing down, and we must find an answer to it. The only thing we need is a little courage and audacity. "

In The eternal return of fascism Riemen reflects on the cultural history and politics and comes to the conclusion that the current situation in the Netherlands, Geert Wilders gaining great popularity with his Party for Freedom, is in fact a logical consequence of nihilism of mass society, for which we all bear responsibility. "This current fascism is allowed again by the political parties that have renounced their own vision, intellectuals who cherish the effortless nihilism, universities that do not deserve that name, greed for money generated by the business world and the mass media, which, rather than serving as a critical mirror, are reflecting what the people want. These are the corrupt elites that nurture spiritual vacuum in which fascism can rise again. "

  • ISBN: 978-953-8075-10-0
  • Year of the edition: 2015
  • Number of pages: 64
  • Cover: paperback
  • Original title: De eeuwige terugkeer van het fascisme
  • Original language: Dutch
  • Translation: Snježana Cimić
  • Dimensions: 120x200 mm

The eternal return of fascism might be a book of small proportions, but its spirit and vigor are great. Not only because of the extraordinary sophistication of the author's expression and style, which easily sublimates complex political issues and important historical facts, but also due to the actuality that could be described as follows. In an appropriate manner shown in this work, one should constantly, discretely and yet convincingly continue to remind of the difference between genuine democracy on the one hand, which must be enlightened and imbued with genuine moral feelings in order to withstand, and populism, demagoguery and kitsch on the other hand, that encourage low passions in people and, in times of severe crisis, adhere to the new Fuhrers. The latter is a European, as well as Croatian old ailment that can be fought only through the construction of public space that shares the spirit of supreme values advocated by Riemen and his work.

prof. Vjeran Katunarić, PhD