Social dialogue and the protection of rights and dignity of workers

Social dialogue and the protection of rights and dignity of workers

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The publication Social Dialogue and the Protection of the Dignity and Rights of Workers by Božena Strugar, Mirela Glavota, Ivan Hranj, Ana Kurtović, Ante Vidović and Slaven Vukašinec was created within the project „Strengthening Social Dialogue Phase III. - UP number“, which was funded by the European Union from European Social Fund. The project entitled „Promoting Social Dialogue on the Protection of Dignity and the Rights of Workers“ was implemented by the Union of Preschool Workers of Croatia with a partner - the Association for Assistance and Education of Mobbing Victims. The aim of the project was to improve the quality of social dialogue on local level through the advanced education of trade union commissioners participating in social dialogue and collective bargaining with local government representatives. This publication should serve to further educate union trustees, all employees of preschool institutions in the Republic of Croatia and other interested parties.

  • ISBN: 978-953-8075-70-4
  • Dimensions: 170x240 mm
  • Number of pages: 176
  • Cover: paperback
  • Year of the edition: 2019