The financing of political parties and election campaigns in recent years has attracted considerable attention in Croatia. Articles on this issue are regularly found in the daily press, electronic media shows, discussed at round tables of domestic and foreign NGOs. In short, the financing of political parties and election campaigns seems to have become one of the central issues of sensitizing the public to topics from democratic political life. Such processes could not go unnoticed by the academic community. Until the beginning of 2000, in the scientific periodicals in Croatia, it was practically impossible to find texts by political scientists or lawyers on political finance, just as there was no translated literature on the subject.
Today, it can be said with some certainty that a kind of turning point was the initiative of the Croatian Legal Center in 2001, which brought together a group of university teachers (lawyers, political scientists, philosophers) to draft a law on political parties. An important part of the efforts of this working group, led by Professor Ivan Prpić, was related to the drafting of legal provisions on the financing of political parties. The draft law on political parties, as well as a number of accompanying scientific papers and initiatives, were subsequently published in a separate publication. At the same time, the initial number of scientific papers on party and election financing was published in scientific and professional periodicals. Literature on the financing of political parties has thus, in just a few years, become a relatively well-covered area, although still without a translation of basic works into Croatian.
- ISBN: 953-7177-07-6
- Number of pages: 124
- Cover: paperback
- Year of the edition: 2005