A Philosophy of Stupidity

A Philosophy of Stupidity

Are we about to enter a golden age of stupidity? And will artificial intelligence make us think less? None of us are immune to stupidity and idiocy, but help is available. Lars Fr. H. Svendsen is witty and lucid as he delves into the history of the philosophy of stupidity and idiocy. What characterizes someone who thinks stupidly? And what does it mean that someone acts like an idiot? The book is about self-reflection and one's own thinking habits and ways of looking at things. He makes the reader aware not only of other people's stupidity, but also of his own tendency to jump to conclusions, narrow-mindedness and stubbornness. And underneath that lies seriousness. Because what if we don't distinguish clear arguments from stupidity and idiocy? Then we lose our footing in reality.

A Philosophy of Stupidity will be Svendsen's twelfth book translated into Croatian.

  • Cover: paperback
  • Year of the edition: 2025
  • Original title: Dumhet, idioti og dumme idioter. Hvordan du bør tenke selv og sammen med andre
  • Original language: Norwegian
  • Translation: MIšo Grundler