Fik Meijer
Fik Meijer (born 12 August 1942) is a Dutch historian and author.
Meijer studied classical languages and ancient history at Leiden University and graduated in 1973. He is an emeritus professor of ancient history at the University of Amsterdam where he started working in 1992 as an associate professor of History of Classical Antiquity. He has done underwater archaeology in the Mediterranean and taught classical languages. Together with Marinus West, Meijer published a large number of translations of classical works.
Some of his acclaimed works are Wrakken, ankers en amforen: archeologisch onderzoek in de Middellandse Zee (1976), Clio and antiquity: History and historiography of the Greek and Roman World (1987), Keizers sterven niet in bed: Van Caesar tot Romulus Augustulus (2001), Gladiatoren: Volksvermaak in het Colosseum (2003), Lessen uit Rome. De vreemdeling in het Romeinse Rijk en de Europese Unie geschreven (2011).
Image source: Wikipedia/Vera de Kok